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Prophetic Studies |
Ezekiel 38 (New King James Version)
38:1 Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
38:2 "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land
of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against
38:3 "and say, 'Thus says the Lord God: "Behold, I am against
you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.
Note: First of all, we must identify who is
Gog and what is the land of Magog. First it is stablished that Gog is an
individual and Magog is the region that individual governs. According to
the study of the Division of the Nations described in Genesis and in accordance
to historical facts, the regions named in this prophesy refer to the land
mass we today know as the former Soviet Union States, mainly Russia.
Note: This will be a military campaign. The
language used here for the weaponry is very ancient and for that reason
alone many see this prophesy as already fulfilled. but we must uderstand
that in the days of Ezequiel, there were no tanks, jets, bombs cruisers
and all the modern weapons of war. he had to describe what the Lord showed
him in the terms of his days. According to the terms mentioned, the nations
that potentially will unite in this military campaign will be: Iran, Iraq,
Lybia, Arabian countries south of Israel, Ethiopia, European Union Nations-
All led by Russia or possibly a newly created Russian Empire or revived
Soviet union. What do all of these countries have in common? Anti-Semitism.
Note: The Jewish people has been in exile since
70 AD, when Roman General Titus destroyed the Holy city of Jerusalem. They
were dispersed through out all the nations of the world, suffering persecution
until the State of israel was restored in May 14, 1948. Since then, the
restoration of the Jews has been a top priotity of the Israeli State. The
modern State of Israel launched two succesful immigation efforts for Jews.
Starting first with Operation Salomon, which rescued the Jews from Ethiopia
and the Exodus II, from the former Soviet Union States. The regathering
of the Jews to their land is still an ongoing process, but it will not
last longer. According to the prophesy here, only one nation has been dispersed,
persecuted with the sword and regathered to the mountains of Israel. That
qualifies only Israel as that nation. The prophesy also states that Israel
will be dwelling in safety. Notice that safety is not the absence of conflict.
Modern weapons and ensures Israel a relative state of security.
Note: In military terms, Israel will be totally
surrounded by enemy forces, north, south, east and west. The verse also
hints that this will be a swift campaign, possibly a surprise strike that
Israel will not be prepared for or not accounted for.
Note: Verse 11 is quite fascinating. In the
past, most cities were built inside huge walls. Those walls were meant
for protection against attacks from enemy forces. Huge gates and massive
walls guaranteed the citizens of those cities, relative security. Thsi
verse speaks of a state of existing peace. We know that Israel today has
signed and ratified the WYE Accord. This accord has the potential of bringing
in a relative state of peace between Israel and the Paslestinians. Recently
we have received word from the Jerusalem Post and other media outlets that
there is the potential of a major breakdown in the implementation of the
Accords. But President Clinton is quickly moving in the area to secure
peace. Israel is under tremendous US and world pressure to give up the
land to the Palestinians according to the Accords. I believe that Israel
will give in, eventually. They desire peace above all. Then we will have
a relative peace. Remember, there will be no total and lasting peace until
Jesus rules the nations Himself. The WYE Accords have the potential to
bring in that relative peace predicted in that verse. Why then the motive
of the invasion of Israel?
Verse 12 gives us the reason: greed. Israel
is rich in natural resources, industry, technology and agriculture. According
to irrefutable historical evidence, the Soviet Union has always had interests
in the Middle East. The interest was oil, strategic importance and a warm
water port for the Soviet Fleet. Some assume that since the Soviet Union
does not exist anymore, that those interests are not currently pursued.
The denial of these facts clearly shows a lack of knowledge of Russian
activities. According to Western Media Outlets, such as CNN, Israel has
shown alarm over the aid the Russians are giving the Iranians in their
Nuclear Program. Today Russia is a brewing military giant. It's economy
is in chaos and Democracy has failed in that nation. There is strong resentment
from the populace towards the current governmen and there are many signs
pointing to the creation of a Communist State. According to the prophesy,
a strong Russian leader will one day arise, together with a coalition of
nations and invade Israel to plunder the riches of the region. Then what
would be the catalyst for the invasion?
The Decalaration of the Palestinian State.
Yasser Arafat has continually decalred the unilateral declalation of a
Palestinian State. Currently Yasser Arafat has officially been currying
the favor of many nations and sought their recognition of a Palestinian
State. Currently Yasser Arafat has the unofficial blesing from the USA.
President Clinton has pledged over $400 million dollars towards the Palestinian
Authority. Arafat has had high level meeting with China, Beijing has given
them economic backing as well. Arafat has also the backing of the European
Union countries and the Palestinian Authority has received additional rights
from the UN. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared that
it would not tolerate the creation of an Independent Palestinian State.
Arafat has also declared that Jerusalem will be the Capital of the Palestinian
State. This is very explosive. Israel will never give up Jerusalem. If
Arafat follows suit with the declaration, no matter when, there will be
war. Then the stage will be set for the Invasion of Israel. Russia will
seize the opportunity to move against Israel and lead the attacking forces
against the Jews.
Note: God will cause this future leader of
Russia to invade Israel. Why? Why would the Lord do such a thing? So that
when the Lord delivers Israel from total destruction, then Israel and the
nations of the world will indeed realize that the Lord alone is God. Currently
the nations of the world, including Israel, is asleep spiritually. Only
a supernatural intervention from God will wake the nations and make them
see the existence of the only true God.
Note: When Israel is at the point of anihalation,
the Lord's fury will arise against the invading armies. First there will
be a massive earthquake in Israel. This will cause whole mountain ranges
to fall and great destruction to the land. Then there will be great confusion
and histeria in the invading armies. Soldiers will turn against their own
armies. There will be great bloodshed. Pestilance speaks of biological
warfare, which the armies will use against each other. There will be flooding
rain and hailstorms mixed with fire. The invaders will meet the judgment
of God. Note that there is no action from the Israelis, this is the Lord
Himself fighting for Israel.
Ezekiel 39 (New King James Version)
39:1 "And you, son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say,
'Thus says the Lord God: "Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of
Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal;
39:2 "and I will turn you around and lead you on, bringing
you up from the far north, and bring you against the mountains of Israel.
39:3 "Then I will knock the bow out of your left hand, and
cause the arrows to fall out of your right hand.
39:4 "You shall fall upon the mountains of Israel, you and
all your troops and the peoples who are with you; I will give you to birds
of prey of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.
39:5 "You shall fall on the open field; for I have spoken,"
says the Lord God.
39:6 "And I will send fire on Magog and on those who live
in security in the coastlands. Then they shall know that I am the Lord.
Note: So we see the complete destruction of
the invading armies on the mountains of Israel by the hands of the Lord.
Does God desires the death of the wicked? By no means. He wishes that all
will come and experience His love and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
The destruction of the invading armies will be inpart God's judment on
the nations that has persecuted the Jews before.
Note: This will result in a great worldwide
revival. The nations of the world will be sensitive to the message of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many will in those days receive Jesus Christ as
their Savior and Lord. Israel's heart will be softened by the Lord.
Note: Starting verse 9, Israel will gain much in weaponry from the defeated armies. There will be also much fuel left over, which they will use for the nation's energy needs. There will also be an effort to cleanse the land of the rotting corpses. This burial effort will take seven months ro complete. There will be a great revival and the nations will aknowledge that only god could have saved Israel. The Jewish State will aknowledge the Lord and His grace. Many will come to the faith after the failed invasion. There then remains a question of timing. When will all of this take place. According to human logic and the turn of events, this war could take place as early as March 1999, if we use the declaration of the Palestinian State as a point of reference. I want to remind you that I am only a human being. I do fail and I claim no special revelation from God during this study. I do however believe that the Bible is the Word of God and will happen just as God showed Ezequiel. This war however is important, because according to prominent theologians, this war leads to the Rapture of the Church. We will cover the Rapture in detail in the next prophectic study.